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Saturday, August 10, 2013

KEEP CALM! im blogging again..

hey, there!! well it's been a while.. im blogging again!! yay!!

saw this written on a billboard on my way to work..

my ride took an alternate route due to heavy traffic on our usual route.. and voila!! these words caught my eyes.. hahaha..

probably.. maybe.. God was trying to tell me something here.. hmmm..

KEEP CALM!! love will come your way again..

haha.. yup!! i was sorta losing my cool and giving my hopes up on love.. but yeah.. maybe.. just maybe.. i just gotta keep calm.. and in His perfect time.. i'd be able to give love another chance.. and in His perfect time things will work..

i just gotta KEEP CALM.. ;)

#kjb aka miss hopeless romantic

oh how i want my always&forever come to life.. #naleyfreak

Godbless everyone!

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