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Thursday, October 27, 2011

THOUGHTfull Thursdays: whatever happened to Good Manners & Right Conduct?!

thought of the day: whatever happened to Good Manners & Right Conduct?!

hmm.. so i was that kid who grew up in a catholic school.. we had lessons everyday regarding Good Manners and Right Conduct.. basically teaching us how to behave as citizens of the world..:) even though i transferred in a non-catholic school in highschool and was in a state university in college we still were thought how to act properly and have the right values so as to be good people when we're out there to face 'reality' already.. so where am i headed?.. hmm.. it's just that im saddened by certain encounters i have in the "real world" lately.. which brought me to thinking: whatever happened to good manners and right conduct?? basically it's this thing called falling in line that really messes with my head.. i remember when i was in kindergarten we were falling in line in this sink waiting for our turn to wash our hands before we finally eat our 'snacks'.. that early we were thought to respect others and wait for our turn.. but then out in the real world, the world of supposedly mature adults.. the line's just a waiting area and when you can find your way to be sneaky and be way ahead of others you go do it.. sorry, for blabbing all these.. you might be bored.. but i just have to get this off me cause it's really pissing me off!

i'd love to share particular experiences but then this blog entry would be TOO LONG and uninteresting..

bottomline: just care to have some MANNERS people! it wasn't in the curriculum for nothing! i mean give some respect if you wanna be respected.. karma's a bitch! what goes around comes around.. if you planted good seeds you'd harvest good crops..

ps: it's NOT an excuse that you don't know the person you're disrespecting.. stranger or no stranger, we're all the same.. we're human.. we're equal..


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

wacky wednesday: the art of drinking

it's a crazy wednesday! let's drink to that! this goes to all you drunkards like me! yay! haha.. cheers!

and here are some funny and witty quotes to go with the funny and witty images above:
A hangover is the wrath of grapes.  ~Author Unknown
The drunk mind speaks the sober heart.  ~Author Unknown
Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.  ~Seneca
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.  ~Henny Youngman
How come if alcohol kills millions of brain cells, it never killed the ones that made me want to drink?  ~Author Unknown

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yeah they say alcohol's bad for the health but i say anything that's TOO MUCH is just as bad.. so, much as i wanna quit drinking.. nah sorry I'M NO QUITTER!!! nyaha! 

but hey, mind you readers, im not justifying alcoholics here.. all im saying is that it's alright to have fun every once in a while as long as you're mature enough to handle yourself.. DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID or YOU'D REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! 

my point of view: the fun in drinking alcohol ain't about the taste of that crap! cause honestly it tastes like shit (okay i maybe exaggerating..) but it's all in the 'bonding' moment, that happiness, to hell with inhibitions feeling that you share with (most of the time, well, at least for me all of the time) the people you love most in this entire planet -- your family and friends.:) 

piece of advice: don't drink more than what you can (if you know what i mean) just know when to stop if you still wanna be seen in public after the spirit's out of your system.
so.. 'til my next blog! hopefully im sober then.. yikes! @_@

for more crazy pictures check out 9gag.com


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

always and forever

so, since im a naley addict! or as i prefer to say it im a NALEYFreak! i guess it's just proper that my first blog would be about my favorite tv couple. honestly i can't pinpoint a particular reason why i have such LOVE for this couple.. chemistry maybe? uhmm.. magic? whatever! i really don't know! but i really am affected by the things happening to these two especially when it affects their relationship, their little lovely-cute-fictional family.   i've never been so hooked to tv couples before, well, i so loved ross and rachel in friends, who wouldn't? i mean.. but not really this intense to the point that i'd create a twitter fan account and write a blog about them. thanks to the genius behind #oth Mark Schwann for creating such addictive fictional characters. as joy pointed out in one of her tweets nobody communicates that way (the naley way) in real life. it seems that they just got too lucky and too perfect as a couple. but, i maybe biased blinded by the fact that i just love them so much, they've worked too damn hard too to be able to be whatever they are now and i think after all they've been through, THEY DESERVE TO BE TOGETHER ALWAYS and FOREVER.. so now that the little show that could is almost over (don't know how id handle my withdrawal syndrome when that day officially comes, so help me God.) i guess, i just wanna tell Mr Schwann, hey if you ever read this, hey LET'S STICK TO THE PLAN huh?! #naleyalwaysandforever!

to james and joy: thanks for such believable acting now im having a hard time finding my own 'nathan scott'! haha!:) but seriously, i find you two and the rest of the oth gang such inspiring people in reel and real life. keep on inspiring us guys! thank you from the bottom of my heart!

OTH may be over soon but the stories, the lessons, the inspiration would be treasured by us fans always and forever..