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Sunday, October 28, 2012

of Dreams and Nightmares..


#sadrealizations #uglytruth #unfortunatereality

hello again my blog.. It's been a while..

#kjb aka naleyfreak 

I blog with BE Write

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Danny Boy

one hell of an episode..

i've seen it for the nth time.. 

still triggers tears..

great feeling catching OTH on tv unexpectedly..




#kjb aka naleyfreak

I blog with BE Write

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

smile :)


it makes a difference..

it touches hearts..

and I do believe if everybody would choose to smile instead of frown,
the world would be a much better place to live in..

#spreadhappiness :)


I blog with BE Write

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Part 9


season 9.. #goodnightTreeHill

#kjb aka naleyfreak 

I blog with BE Write

Part 8

more naley..

season 8.. Welcome to the world Lydia Bob Scott..

#kjb aka naleyfreak 

I blog with BE Write

part 7

but wait there's more..

season 7.. Haley had a weight in her heart that brought her into a dark place.. but with her family beside her and a new baby on the way she made it through..

#kjb aka naleyfreak

I blog with BE Write

part 6

and it goes on.. 

season 6.. Nathan is in the NBA..

#k23 aka naleyfreak 

I blog with BE Write

Part 5 (2)

on to the next season..

season 5.. Nathan was in a dark place but his family helped him make it through.. 


#kjb aka naleyfreak

I blog with BE Write

Part 5

on to the next season..

season 5.. Nathan was in a dark place but his family helped him make it through.. 


#kjb aka naleyfreak

I blog with BE Write

part 4 (2)..

yup.. here comes another one.. 

season 4.. welcome to the world James Lucas Scott.. 

#kjb aka naleyfreak

I blog with BE Write

part 4..

yup.. here comes another one.. 

season 4.. welcome to the world James Lucas Scott.. 

#kjb aka naleyfreak

I blog with BE Write

when a naleyfreak gets bored part 3..

more.. products of boredom..

season 3.. Nathan and Haley Scott got back together.. yay! 😍

#kjb aka naleyfreak 

I blog with BE Write

when a naleyfreak gets bored part 2..

and so it continues..

season 2.. guess this would be my least favorite season just cause naley got messy.. but i still love every lil sweet naley moment in this season.. the beginning of their married life.. i guess the messy parts that challenged their marriage not just during this season but throughout the series made fans like me relate more to their story.. not really "perfect" but something you'd wish you have.. they're the perfect example of working things out for the sake of family.. for the sake of love..

#kjb aka naleyfreak

I blog with BE Write

Friday, June 22, 2012

when a naleyfreak gets bored part 1..

so i got bored.. 

and these are mere products of boredom..

 enjoy fellow naleyfreaks!!! ❤

season 1.. where tutor girl met the highschool "clown".. Ooopss.. alright hales.. jerk.. highschool jerk.. and they fell in love.. 
#kjb aka naleyfreak ;)

I blog with BE Write

Saturday, June 9, 2012

rain made me miss the "rain couple".. I LOVE NALEY!

just cause I'm missing Nathan and Haley Scott.. 

blame it on the rain.. or you could just #blamejameslafferty.. #itsanOTHthing.. haha..

hashtag galore.. and here's more..

#naleylove #rainkisses #OTH

#kjb aka naleyfreak

I blog with BE Write

Friday, March 2, 2012

mint chocolate chip ice cream..

Haley: Nathan, from the second I heard those words “we found a body..” my heart sank.. I couldn’t move.. I couldn’t think.. And now that I’ve managed to at least move, all I can think about is one moment you and I shared years ago, over and over.. That same insignificant moment repeats in my head.. I can’t tell you why.. It was your birthday.. Your first year playing for Maryland.. Jamie must’ve been two.. You said you didn’t want to do anything, but I insisted on at least having your favorite ice cream.. Do you remember this? When I brought back mint chocolate chip and you asked why I thought that was your favorite, I was so confused.. Anytime we had gotten ice cream together, that’s what you always chose.. But you told me rocky road was your favorite.. And you looked at me so tenderly, Nathan, and you said you always chose mint chocolate chip because you knew it was my favorite flavor.. And that’s when I realized for the first time that you hadn’t been making any of your decisions for yourself.. You were doing everything for me all along, for your family. And it occurred to me that we still had so much to learn about each other.. And since then Nathan, I’ve learned about the wonderfully selfless, humble, strong man you are.. Nathan, I can’t hear that you’ll never come home again, that I’ll never learn something new about you again, never experience your selflessness, your love, your warm touch again.. Nathan, please.. have we really had our last conversation? Our last kiss? I don’t know what I’d do if… Please..
oh much as i strongly believed that Nathan Scott's still alive out there fighting to get home and be with his family again.. this scene's just got got me holding my breath.. Bethany Joy Galeotti, superb acting.. you had me captured with your scenes all throughout the episode.. my eyes got tears all over just like how you made them from the previous episodes but WOW this particular scene WOW just WOW.. thank God Deb said "thank God it wasn't him.." i got back to reality and caught some air again..  
Mark Schwahn and to the whole OTH cast and crew, kudos for another brilliant episode! 
Bethany Joy Galeotti, i love you! James Lafferty, you are missed! 
and that's another dose of my weekly guilty pleasure! from the bottom of my heart Thank You One Tree Hill!!! 
like i always say i'm torn just like the whole #OTHfamily from different countries.. we can't wait for the next episode.. more Tree Hill Drama.. but we're getting nearer to the big finale.. does it really have to end?! 
Nathan Scott, come home already!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I do not mind if I die trying..

Maroon 5: HOW?

I'm asking for your help
I am going through hell
Afraid nothing can save me
But the sound of your voice


Monday, February 27, 2012

crazy stupid ME!

darn it i still want this!

was it too much to ask?!

and then this pops up the screen:

i'm goin' CRAZY!!!

kill me.. kill me NOW! @_@ 

or better yet kill the jerk who made me this way.. </3



i do believe that..


here's my story..
well, normal in the eyes of "strangers" i guess.. or even to some "friends"..

thank God our paths crossed.. i need not be "insane" alone..

we've shared..
(sorry please replace YOU with THEM when you read the image above;) thanks!)

i do believe that..

as the Rock Legends (The Beatles) would put it..

FOREVER.. as in:


so THANK them! they are precious little treasures worth for keeps..
